Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Caffeine Positive and Negative Effects!

Caffeine, kopi, capucino, kopi, manfaat kopi, cafeLike humans, the caffeine in coffee also has a good side and bad side, if consumed, some of us may not quite know what it is about caffeine, and how it works in the body. Caffeine is an alkaloid types that naturally present in coffee beans, tea leaves, cashew leaves, kola nuts, cocoa beans, and some beverages.

Coffee beans are the main source of caffeine, so that more people can feel the effects of coffee compared with other sources of caffeine. The content of caffeine in coffee varies, depending on the type of coffee bean and method of manufacture used. In general, one serving of coffee contains about 40 mg of caffeine, up to 100 mg of caffeine to one cup (120 mL) coffee.

Caffeine contained in coffee is a chemical derived from plants that can stimulate the brain and nervous system. Caffeine can make the body do not get tired, could do physical activity for longer. Besides caffeine can increase the sense of cheerful, makes us feel more refreshed and energetic. But a lot of which actually eat them as a daily beverage due to the activity of caffeine consumed too dense. Causing many negative effects on the body consuming.

When studied further, the positive impact of caffeine in coffee more than the negative impact on the body if consumed in accordance dose, not to excess. Well want to know, what wrote about the advantages and disadvantages of caffeine? Murah deh, Here's the explanation:

Caffeine, or more popular caffeine, xanthine alkaloid compound is crystalline and bitter taste that works as a psychoactive stimulant drug and a mild diuretic. Caffeine also called guaranina when found in guarana, mateina when found in mate, and teina when found in tea. All terms are equally refer to the same chemical compound. Naturally, the caffeine contained in coffee beans, tea leaves, cashew leaves, kola nuts, cocoa beans, and some beverages.

Coffee Caffeine Positive Impact on Health

With the workings of caffeine, the caffeine has many health benefits, among others:

  1. Headache medicine: Caffeine can relieve headaches by expanding the blood vessels of the brain are narrowed.
  2. Relieve asthma: Caffeine can relieve wheezing with asthma by expanding the bronchial tubes that connect the esophagus to the lungs.
  3. Helps concentration: Caffeine can help increase concentration by stimulating the brain, even expected to increase long-term memory.
  4. Increase endurance: Caffeine can make the body do not get tired, in the estimate because the caffeine makes "fuel" used by the muscles longer.
  5. Feeling excited: Caffeine can increase the sense of cheerful, makes consuming feeling more refreshed and energetic.
  6. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease: Alzheimer's is characterized by a decrease of acetylcholine. Caffeine can inhibit the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which breaks down chemicals, or neurotransmitters, and acetylcholine. Besides coffee, caffeine also inhibits the activity of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase (Buche), which is found in protein deposits in the brains of Alzheimer patients.
  7. Reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease: Caffeine may slow down and resist senility.
  8. Preventing tooth decay: Caffeine is contained in the drinks was very tough to eradicate the bacteria that cause cavities.
Coffee Caffeine Negative Impact on Health

In addition to the above benefits, many people are still worried about the side effects of caffeine. Because some studies report the experts say some bad effects of caffeine on the body.

  1. Heart Disease: Before you drink, the coffee is filtered first. Filtering can eliminate substances that could eliminate the levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol kinds of evil.
  2. Hypertension and Blood Vessel Disorders: Caffeine works as a stimulant (stimulant). So the people who are sensitive, caffeine can cause heart palpitations (arrhythmia) or increased blood pressure, although few and temporary. People with high blood pressure and other heart conditions, should consult with your doctor if you want to drink coffee. Caffeine is the intention not only in coffee drinks, but also the cola, and cold medicines that contain caffeine.
  3. Pregnancy: Caffeine can increase heart rate and metabolism in the mother's body, which can occur as a result of stress that interfere with fetal development. Caffeine affects the fetus because caffeine can cross the placenta and can enter the fetal circulation. The impact of miscarriage. One study found that at least two cups each day can double the risk of miscarriage. A study by McGill University of Montreal shows the relationship between caffeine consumption and miscarriage.
  4. Caffeine poisoning: Too much caffeine can cause poisoning (intoxication) caffeine (which is high on caffeine). Symptoms of this disease is to include restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, gaiety, flushing, frequent urination (diuresis), and problems gastrointestial.
  5. Other symptoms are muscle spasms (muscle twitching), tangle of thoughts and words, kardium arrhythmias (disturbances in heartbeat) and psychomotor unrest (psychomotor agitation) may occur. Caffeine intoxication can lead to panic and anxiety diseases.
  6. Other Disorders: Caffeine causes insomnia and increased anxiety, panic attacks worsen in patients with panic. Caffeine also increases the production of stomach acid so that aggravate heartburn and stomach pain.

If you stop consuming caffeine abruptly for a day or more, especially if accustomed to eating two or more cups of coffee per day can cause these symptoms:

mood disorders
difficulty concentrating

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